Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bring It!

This word frenzy has taken me draft after draft,
Thought after thought
Day after day
And tear after tear.

I have been thinking about how I wanted to poetically put into words my feelings since my blog in October called “A Little Bit about MUAH”.
And I thought I had it all ready to go full of pokes and pins in all the right places that were sure no leave no question as to who they were directed to.
Until I left it in Word as a draft for about 2 days.

My feelings have been pretty hurt since that post. But not just because of the one bad report that came from it.
I for one was ready to see 2012 walk out the door of my life.
Although there are so many many wonderful things that happened to me this last year, I am beyond ready for a year that doesn’t include waiting, wanting, wishing, hoping & and feeling lost.
And far too many lessons learned to count.
For a brief minute I thought about re-considering my career dream.
After a few different hair appointments ending with less than desirable outcomes (from more than one person.) I thought I might not cut out for the job.
But then Jeb, being the great husband he is, talked me through a few emotional spells and I have decided on a few solutions.
I am hoping to take a step back from doing hair and find a job that will pay me hourly so we can work on gaining some ground on another one of our goals.
I will also attend more than one hair show during this time to work on perfecting my craft.
Instead of letting other women hurt my feelings, put me and my ability down, and make me question my personal goals and dreams, I am going to ignore, put to good use, and quiet their voices in my head.
This year is for me.
Yes, this year I am going to make a conscious effort to become healthier.
Not because anyone else thinks I need to.
I’m doing it because I want to.
I can tell you right now I am not going to be very good at it at first, but I will work through it and be better and better.
But 2013 is also a year for me to work on not caring what other people (women) think or say behind my back.
This year there is going to be more laughter and less tears
More enjoying and less worrying
More positive and less negative,
And my most favorite,
More muscle and less fat!
Here’s to 2012 and all the wonderful things that happened.
2013, I’m going to kick your ass!

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