Monday, June 6, 2011

Sunday Afternoons

Jeb has started his internship down in Alamosa, which he is loving. Me on the other hand,

well, I'm doing okay.

I found a job that I get to work 10:30 to 4 Monday through Friday cooking in a local resturant.

Tuesday night dinners at my cousin Leanne's house helps out a lot too.

Oh and Friday or Saturday night trips to the local movie theater with my sister Karly have been fun too. (Last Friday we saw Water For Elephants soo good!)

I plan on having dinner with Jeb's mom Gail once a week too, since she is in the same boat as I am, her husband (Jeb's Dad) drives back and forth to Riffle every week. She is much better at this long distance thing than me.

It helps a lot that I am surrounded by people that love and support me, but I miss Jeb a lot.

I am starting to dive right in on this wedding thing, I'm hoping it will start consuming more of my time on a realistic level instead of just spending hours and hours on a new website my cousin Leanne told me about called "pinterest". Its really fun! But not very wedding planning material at this point.

Right now, the best day of the week is Sunday. "Its Sunday night in bed and I'm alright!" Just kidding I love all of Sunday.
 -Jeb's Home
 -My Dad's big Sunday dinners
 - no work!
 - the list could go on and on.

This last Sunday we visited Lacy at her new waitress job here in town after church. It was really fun!

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