Thursday, April 18, 2013

'Round Here

We are super excited for spring around here! My first winter in Alamosa a.k.a. THE COLDEST SPOT IN THE US! Taught me some valuable lessons one of them being

1.        I refuse to take any part of the summer months for granted & I also PROMISE to never complain about the heat this summer.

We have a very busy schedule coming up, that includes almost every weekend until June away from our little house here in the valley.

So I decided to get a head start on the “spring cleaning” only to have it covered with a new coat of dirt from the crazy wind we have been having. Secretly I think it still counts because I DID put in the effort to get it done!
April has flown by, & I will be the first to admit that I don’t actually mind!
The faster summer gets here the better!

So to play a little “catch-up”

 we spent Easter in Westcliffe with both of our families.
Jeb helped me dye hard-boiled eggs the week before and we spent the day shooting guns, eating yummy food & laughing.
It was such a great day to celebrate the Lord’s resurrection.
We also got to sneak in a little family time with my cousins. They had celebrated a special girl’s birthday Saturday morning and we got to see them before they headed back up to Greeley!

Trip has been to the Vet and decided he was not a fan. He had a body part or two removed, I was told that when Jeb went in to picked him up he ran past the vet-tech right over to Jeb peed, and then was ready to “hit the road Jack & we ain’t EVER comin back!”

I felt so bad for our little fella, but I am happy to report his is back to his normal crazy self!

Since it is warming up down here we have been leaving him in the pin next to our house while we are away at work! He seems to really like it & I think we will be investing in a plastic kiddie pool this summer for him to cool off in.

I can’t believe that this year I went home to beautify my youngest sister for her SENIOR PROM!

That the very same weekend, I helped my other sister celebrate her 21st birthday!

I am so lucky and so blessed to call those two girls my best friends
I love that I am only a short drive away from them and can be around for special events.

Lately my heart has been aching, like every other American, and hoping that there is still some hope for humanity.
I know that we live in a broken world and what we all need is Jesus, so I will faithfully keep putting my trust in him.
And I will treasure what I have to be thankful for because I am truly lucky to live the life I live.

May, will bring numerous trips to Westcliffe and a few up to the northern part of Colorado for a special graduation tea, a play, 2 graduations and other fun events.

I am going to welcome all these special times with a whole new outlook and appreciation, because you honestly NEVER KNOW. But I refuse to be a hermit because of the evil that haunts this world.
I am going to live this life because God has chosen me to live it!