is our casa!
The place we reside
Where we call home
Our living room, if you look to the left when you come in our front door.
This is the entry way from the kitchen
Our living room
Sorry its such a bad picture.
Zee Kitchen
our dinning room, with our Fiesta ware (which we LOVE!)
Dinning room wall and hall way to the guest bathroom & 2 guest rooms
This bathroom might be my favorite room of the whole house, our land-lords told us we could re-paint if we hated the color but, I thought it was perfect for the shower curtain I got on CLEARANCE!!! at Target a year ago (just cuz I liked it so much!)
These are the two guest rooms, Jeb dubbed the smaller one on the west side of the house my "craft room" so it has all of my junk but needs a bed if anyone has one to get rid of!
This room gets so much sunlight & has a direct view to the best neighbors, (More on them later,) But ALSO needs a bed! (wink wink!)
Our bedroom is on the south side of the house, through the door next to the TV
We got to pick the colors for our room & I love it! Jeb does too, but I seriously love turning on the lamps by our bed every evening & really like how cozy if feels in there!
Our moms' found the comforter and pillow set on sale in PA last summer, & my dad made us the night stands as part of our wedding present! The dresser below was the third piece. Jeb started it in High School wood shop & my dad finished it for us!
our bathroom and WONDERFUL closet is on the south west side of the house
Our bathroom is the only room in the house that isn't remodeled, so we hope if we stay here long enough our land-lords will let us tackle the project!
AND the best biggest closet I have ever had!
Now, meet our neighbors!
I refer to them as "the girls"
These two are my favorite! They are so friendly.
One last thing, I need to introduce you to "the beast"!
This was our wedding gift from Jeb's parents and we LOVE it! Grilling is our favorite way to prepare meals!
Here are a few more pictures from our place
And lastly, my favorite part of Jeb's job