Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Week From Today....

 A week from today, I will get up earlier than I normally would to shower, shave my legs & drowned my skin in some sort of moisture rich substance.
I will spend breakfast with 60 of our closest friends and family at a local restaurant
I will kiss my cowboy on his lips one last time as his fiancé.
My nails and toes will be painted & looking very fresh.
Two of my favorite girls from Cosmo School will be on their way to our little home town to make my girls and I look beautiful.
At this exact time, 10:00 am, I’ll be spending time with my girls.
Around noon, we will be pinning curlers in our hair, painting our faces with all kinds of rich colors.
My mom and Jeb’s mom will be scurrying around finishing last minute details.
I can only imagine what the BOYS will do with a day together, after a much to long absence from each other’s company.
My cousin will drive to a neighboring town to pick up flower s to be pinned on numerous “cowboy” shirts & dresses. She’ll also pick up the flowers my two best friends & sisters will carry as they walk down the aisle.
And, she will pick up my bouquet. The one I will hold until it is replaced with my cowboy’s hands.  
I’ll slip into the dress my dear grandma spent hours and hours making just for me, and I’ll love it.
My girls will put their “grandma made” dresses too.
Then, we’ll all put on our cowboy boots!
Shalee will place my veil in my hair and spray everything one last time.
I’ll tell my mom how much I love her & we’ll wait for the photographer to tell us it’s time to take numerous pictures.
As our guests arrive I’ll wait upstairs of the beautiful Beckwith house & maybe sneak a peek or two.
The music will bellow from the speakers as my cowboy makes his way to the front with our pastor.
I’ll watch my girls’ link arms with each boy and walk down the aisle.
And I’ll look at my dad and try not to cry.
I’ll tell him how much I love him and take his arm.
I’m going to stare straight ahead at my cowboy.
Because, if I look anywhere else and see tears, streams will make their way to my chin.
When my dad and I get to the front, I’m going to hug him so tight and tell him “thank you”
And let a few tears slip.
Then I’m going to hand my sister my flowers and take Jeb’s hands.
At the end of the day, after everyone had eaten their fill & then some,
 After the cake is cut and gone,
after the DJ has played his set,
& the photographer has had his fill of pictures.
It will just me be me and my cowboy.
We will finally, finally be married.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Here some pictures I remembered to capture during the whirl wind two weeks I have had.

Loved it.

 Every second.

But I honestly don’t have interesting stories to go along with all of them,

I did get to spend some extra time with this hunk during the last two weeks.

Headbands for the flower girls in the wedding, not quite sure I like them though. They might be “misplaced” before that day comes a knockin.

Made, or “re-made” some jugs.

Politically correct, a pickle jar & a Ranch dressing jug.

One is for change, cuz this isn’t cutting it.

 And the other is for all our “memories” ticket stubs, programs, most recently 3D glasses from Avengers


I think that is enough for one month!

This next month is full of quick day trips to Greeley, for last minute fittings, showers & bachelorette parties.

Baseball games, Karly's State Convention in Pueblo, hair doos, cuts and colors

A little family reunion in Glenwood, a horse show, dog, chicken and house watching.

Getting my hair all ready for the big day and after June, there are only 7 days left until I will be a Stoltzfus.